Commercials are the best. I remember the Secret deodorant commercial that always reminded us that it’s “strong enough for a man, but ph balanced for a woman.” Women are often thought of as the weaker species, but I was surrounded by women who had strength. My grandmother was a sharecropper. My mother was one of the first black students to integrate her high school. My aunt was in the military. I have a family full of survivors. Sometimes, we have to recognize that there is strength in letting go. There is strength in walking away. There is strength in not doing. There is strength in resting in God’s grace. There is strength in weakness. This Mother’s Day celebrate the women who have taken off their cape of busyness. This Mother’s Day celebrate the women who recognize the source of their strength. This Mother’s Day celebrate all the baby weight. This Mother’s Day celebrate all the scars and all the flaws. This Mother’s Day celebrate the women who found the strength to push past their fears and insecurities. This Mother’s Day celebrate all women who have nurtured, sacrificed, stepped up, and been present in your life regardless of their title. Happy Mother’s Day!